Can Dry Eyes Cause Blurred Vision?

Dry eye is a condition characterized by insufficient tear production or poor tear quality, leading to the drying of the eye's surface. This can result in a variety of symptoms, including blurred vision. Understanding these factors will help you recognize the signs of dry eye and blurred vision, empowering you to seek timely medical help.

What is Dry Eye?

The primary cause of dry eye is a lack of adequate tears. Your tears are a complex mixture of water, fatty oils, and mucus, which help to keep your eye's surface smooth and clear. A decrease in tear production, or an increase in tear evaporation, can lead to dry eye.

Another significant cause of dry eye is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). The meibomian glands, located in your eyelids, produce the oily part of your tears. When these glands do not function correctly, your tears may evaporate too quickly, leading to dry eye.

Various factors can influence your tear production. Age, certain medical conditions, medications, and environmental conditions can all play a part. Symptoms of dry eye can range from mild to severe and can include a stinging or burning sensation, stringy mucus in or around your eyes, sensitivity to light, red eyes, a sensation of having something in your eyes, and difficulty wearing contact lenses.

How Dry Eye Contributes to Blurred Vision

Tears serve two main functions: to lubricate your eyes and to refract (bend) light. When your eyes are dry, the tear film that covers your eye's surface is disrupted. This can cause light to scatter, leading to blurred vision.

Additionally, an irregular tear film due to dry eye can distort the images before they reach your retina, creating a blurry view. Persistent dry eye can also lead to damage on the surface of your eyes, further contributing to blurred vision.

Complications and Risks of Dry Eye

Dry eye is more than just an uncomfortable condition; it can lead to complications if not managed properly. The surface of your eyes is a critical component for good vision. When dry eye is left untreated, it can damage your eye's surface, leading to vision problems.

Persistent dry eye can cause light sensitivity, making it difficult for you to go about your daily activities. It can also make it challenging to perform tasks that require visual concentration, such as reading, using a computer, or driving, particularly at night.

In severe cases, untreated dry eye can lead to eye infections. Your tears protect your eyes by washing away foreign matter and keeping the surface of your eyes smooth and clear. Without adequate tear production, your eyes are more susceptible to infections.

Schedule an Eye Exam at Optic Gallery Boca Park Today 

The connection between dry eye and blurred vision is more than apparent. Both conditions are closely linked, with dry eye being a significant cause of blurred vision. Understanding the causes and symptoms of dry eye, empowers you to seek help and maintain your optimal eye health.

If you are experiencing symptoms of dry eye or blurred vision, schedule an eye exam with our professionals at Optic Gallery Boca Park, located in Summerlin, Las Vegas, Nevada. Please call (702) 983-2020 to book an appointment today.